About Us

About the Website

The BibleHarbor website is all about helping people to understand the Bible for themselves. Because the Word of God, the Scriptures, are timeless, we do our best to ensure that the content on the website is timeless. That is, we are not discussing the everchanging news items of the day but the unchanging truths of eternity. For that reason, the videos, podcasts, articles and any other content on the site will only be out of date after the return of Jesus Christ. Of course, if we do find any errors, we will make the correction in any way we possibly can.

Because our goal is to help you, we are happy to take input on the sort of content that you would like to see. Is there something we can do to assist you in your walk with God? Please let us know, and we’ll see what we can do.

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BibleHarbor Statement of Faith

We believe that the Bible is the revealed word and will of God. We believe in the one and only true God and in His son the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that God raised His son Jesus from the dead and made His gift of holy spirit available to all those who choose to believe. We believe that the return of Jesus Christ to gather the Church is the living and daily hope of His people.

BibleHarbor Disclaimer

BibleHarbor is strictly a Bible-based website dedicated to providing biblical responses to submitted questions. As such the answers provided are not intended to be the opinions of the website authors but rather responses based on truths from the Holy Scriptures. To that end the authors reserve the right to update any content should research reveal greater insight into the Scriptures. If requested, notifications will be provided in the event of any updates.