Follow Your Heart?

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard this phrase used, I think I could probably open a bank by now. I’ve read it in the papers, in books, heard it in conversation, on the television and on the radio. It is many times used in the context of some wise old sage advising someone who is at the point of some critical decision in his life. The advice usually given is, “Just follow your heart”, or “Be true to your heart”, or “Be true to yourself”, etc. The idea behind the advice is that if you follow your heart, you will be led in the direction in which you should go and everything will be all right.

Now I only have one problem with this and I’d like to phrase it in the form of a question. I do this so that the next time a wise old sage, friend, counselor, etc. gives you the same advice, you’ll be ready with this question as well. “What happens if my heart is evil?”  Now we have a real problem. Surely, one would not advise another to follow a heart that was black or evil? Wise men on mountain tops certainly wouldn’t do that, would they?

You see, advice that leads one to search within oneself, to know oneself, to follow one’s heart is NOT biblical. The clear teaching of the scriptures is that the heart of man is desperately wicked. It Is Written,

Proverbs 28:26
“He that trusteth in his own heart is a fool…”

Maybe those mountain men should buy a Bible.

So, if we are not to follow our hearts, what is it that we are supposed to do? I was hoping you would ask that question. The answer, quite simply, to quote a favourite author of mine, is,

Psalm 119:105
“Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”.

(Incidentally, the author is God).

It is the Word of God that we are to follow. When Jesus Christ came to redeem mankind, he taught the people God’s Word. It is the teaching of the Word of God that makes known God’s will for our lives. You certainly aren’t going to learn it by contemplating your naval or by staring at a tree.

It is the Word of God that gives light, it is the Word of God that gives life, hope and peace. The scriptures are man’s contact with God. Without a knowledge of the Word of God, man cannot know God and therefore cannot have the light that he needs to show him the way. Jesus Christ said,

John 14:6 (Emphasis mine)
“I am THE way, THE truth, and THE life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me.”

The Word of God is man’s only hope of real life and direction.

Once a man or woman comes to the point of accepting the truth of the scriptures, he or she can then begin to put the Word of God on in the mind. Doing this in a diligent manner (You mean this takes work? – Stay tuned for a future article), the truth can then sink to the heart. This then lines up the heart of man with the truth of God’s Word. This is the order of life – not that one follows his heart but that we go to God’s Word, put that on in our minds and align our hearts with what the scriptures say.

So, now you are prepared. The next time someone tells you to “Just follow your heart”, kindly respond with, “No thanks! I’d rather follow the Word of God”.

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