Jesus Christ, My Hero

Did anyone ever ask you who your hero was? If asked that question, I would not be tempted to respond with Batman, Superman or even Santa Claus. I would have to say, without reservation, that it is Jesus Christ. Now there are a lot of very obvious reasons as to why that is so.

It seems to me that one of the most important characteristics of super heroes is that they always end up saving the world from one thing or another. Well I would have to say that Jesus Christ certainly fits that description. After all, It Is Written that God sent His Son that through him the world might be saved. A world that was dead in trespasses in sins is what Jesus Christ saved.

You will no doubt remember that most super heroes at one time or another end up risking their lives for the good of mankind. They place themselves in one dangerous situation or another so others can be rescued. Jesus Christ willingly subjected himself to be humiliated, to be tortured beyond human recognition and then finally to be killed so that you and I could live. He gave his life in service to mankind.

Another characteristic that is fairly common among all the tights wearers that I’ve ever read about is that they are all supernatural in some respect. You know, x-ray vision, super strength, that sort of thing. Well a quick glance at the scriptures clearly reveals that there were a few abilities that Jesus Christ demonstrated that puts him right up there with, and may I say far ahead of any of the others. I’m sure that most of the following are perhaps familiar to you: a little stroll on the water, the calming of a storm at sea, the feeding of thousands with a little bread and a few fishes, the restoring of sight to those that were blind, the raising of people from the dead, and so on. Just in case any of the others were to get a little jealous at this, he also promised that those who believed on his name would not only be able to do the works that he did but greater works than those!

Though it’s been a while since I picked up a comic book, I do recall that many heroes would live forever. Well that’s just fine for them but once again Jesus Christ took this quite a bit further. You see, not only is he still alive today, but all those that call upon the name of the Lord for salvation too are given eternal life. One glorious day, my hero is going to return to gather all those who have believed on him and we’re going to meet him in the clouds. How’s that for a little bit of flying? I cannot speak for you but as far as I’m concerned that’s just a little better than all the building leaping, locomotive stopping and bullet racing that’s ever been done! So, if you’re looking for a hero, may I suggest Jesus Christ?

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