This teaching examines the potential impacts of religion and religious thinking on the life of a believer. There are many records in the Bible that show the effects and workings of man-made religion. Religion trusts in and attempts to direct the flesh. It does not rejoice in the truth being made known. It does not understand the motivation to serve and reverence God. The teaching briefly examines the origins of much of this in the attempts by Nimrod and his followers to raise a tower that would save humanity from a flood like in the days of Noah. The attempt was to show that they did not need to trust in God but could handle their own affairs. God was not too pleased and confounded their languages – “babel” (or babble). Christian believers today should be well aware how much babel thinking can permeate their efforts to serve and walk with God. Do we do things to please others or God? Are we more interested in what others think than in what God thinks? Do we try to “prop God up” in situations where we think we may know better. To the contrary we need to get “Babel off” our lives and to serve and honour our God with genuine reverence.
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