God exhorts his people to be humble. One of the traits that he does not regard highly is pride, and in fact, it is directly in opposition to him. It is very interesting to look in God’s Word how God dealt with people who, even though they had done very ungodly things, when they humbled themselves before the Almighty God. He showed them favor and blessed them. Examples of this in the Scriptures include kings like Ahaz and Manasseh. Even a king such as Hezekiah who had walked humbly in his life at one point allowed pride to enter his heart. He again had to humble himself before God in order to be in alignment with him again. Humility allows us to draw near to God and see the blessings that he has promised us. Receiving physical healing is a good example of this. The record of the centurion, who though he was mighty man of renown in Roman circles, humbled himself before Jesus Christ with the result that his servant was healed. It allowed God’s favor to be shed upon his servant. Jesus Christ is the finest example of someone who walked humbly before God. Though he was the son of God, he humbled himself and became the greatest servant and as a result he was exalted by God. Putting away pride and walking with humilty before our God is paramount in seeking the blessings of God in any area of our walk.
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