Change Your Focus

Bible pages
Change Your Focus

A believer always has an option in how to handle the regular barrage of information that comes at us each day. Unfortunately there is only so much control that one have on the fact that the information does come at us – however, we have full control on whether or not we entertain the information. In the record of the Assyrian attack on Judah and King Hezekiah, the Assyrian leaders sent all sorts of information to Hezekiah  – most of that information was erroneous. Now they could not do very much about the fact that they had to deal with the information but they certainly could determine if they would continue to consider what had been presented. In that regard their response was to not reply with even a single word – they chose not to give the information the time of day.

There is a great biblical benefit in changing our focus in situations that we encounter each day. We could choose to think about everything that is presented to us to the point that it leads to fear, worry, trepidation, anger, lack of hope and so forth or we can choose to focus on the information that is authored by the One True God – His Word. The Word of God declares that those who meditate therein are blessed and prosperous. It states
that by taking heed to the Word of God we can choose peace, light, comfort, hope and direction to avoid the many pitfalls that surround us. Rather than entertain the nonstop flow of worldly information that is presented to us at every turn, why wouldn’t we want to focus on what God’s Word says? Why wouldn’t we want to deliberately change our focus to the truth and then to be blessed by the promises made to us by the One True God? The work of Jesus Christ and results of his walk in obedience to God have truly given us much to focus on as we await his return to gather the Church. Let’s change our focus upwards at every moment that we possibly can.

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