Doers of the Word

Bible pages
Doers of the Word

There is a wonderful section in the Book of James that encourages believers to not only hear the Word (be in the audience of listeners) but actually do what the Word says. As you look at God’s Word you recognize that the first step in being a doer of the Word is to actually not forget what you have heard. Just like the person who looks in the mirror (and in fact probably every time he or she passes by it) just to make sure that he does not forget what he looks like, it is even more vital to take every opportunity to have a look at the Scriptures. We are told that it is the person who continues in the Word that is blessed. Just listening to something without ever acting on it is not very useful. Acting on the Word of God or being a doer of the Word starts by not forgetting it. In the Old Testament God continually reminded them to keep the commandments, to do what the Law said, to mediate in it day and night, etc. so that they would not forget Him. After this first and crucial step of remembering the Word, the next step is to consider what it says, to think it through and to not allow any mental fortresses that we might have built in our minds to invalidate the truths that we have just learned. The Word must dictate what we think instead of us deciding the parts of it we want to accept.

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