For the Sake of the Gospel

Bible pages
For the Sake of the Gospel

This teaching looks at the topic of how critical and vital the gospel (God’s Word) is for our personal life and for the lives of those to whom it is presented. Paul the Apostle was quite clear in his statements as to how he was willing to do anything “for the gospel’s sake” (I Cor 9:23). That sentiment is important not only as it relates to the lives of others but for your own life first and foremost. Consider times of adversity – as in the lives of Jeremiah, other believers of old, the Apostles in Acts – what was their response to this persecution? Was it as the Psalmist said, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes” (Psalm 119:71) or did they run into hiding? The only time adversity yields a profitable result in our lives is when we use it (as so often many did in the Bible) to propel ourselves towards God and His Word. Paul writes in 2 Timothy of great men who either stood with him or did not. The daily choice that each person makes concerning the gospel shapes their lives – do we daily go to God’s Word to hear, understand and apply more or do we allow persecution, tribulation, cares of the world, etc. (Parable of the Sower) to move us away from the gospel. What do we do daily for the sake of the gospel?

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