Forsake Traditions for the Truth of God’s Word

Bible pages
Forsake Traditions for the Truth of God's Word

This teaching considers the danger of following traditions that may not ever have been based on the Bible. Some traditions may be fine as they are just a part of things people do in normal life but when it comes to those that are at cross purposes to the Scriptures, they can actually make the truth of none effect in our lives. We need to be careful to deal with those sorts of traditions and also be sure that we do not pass them on to others. Jesus Christ taught his disciples what has become to be called the lord’s prayer as an example of how to pray but at the same time he told them not to pray in vain repetition. That same prayer has become a church tradition and many times is definitely repeated vainly – exactly what Jesus had said to avoid. So we need to be careful that what we believe, what we teach and what we live in our lives is based on the rightly divided Word of God and not on tradition and ritual that we may have been taught at some point.

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