Often we may be limited in our approach to situations and problems by considering only those items that are at our disposal. When David fought against Goliath he made the important statement that God does not save by sword and spear. That is, He is no way limited to that which we ourselves can provide in a situation. This is abundantly clear in so many Biblical records: the deliverance of Israel from Egypt and all of the ensuing issues that they came up against, the deliverance that Gideon brought against the Midianites, the miraculous events surrounding the entry into the Promised Land, the deliverance provided by Jesus Christ, etc. To think that God is limited by what we can bring to a situation is to not really trust Him. He works in the affairs of His people and has done so reliably throughout time. Our part in the equation is to believe that He is and that He is rewarder of those who diligently trust Him.
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