Jesus Christ our Passover

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Jesus Christ our Passover

In the Old Testament God instituted the memorial of the Passover so that the Children of Israel would be able to continually remember the deliverance that God had wrought for them. The blood of the lamb was for the covering of the sins of Israel and the body was for the healing of their bodies. These two aspects of the Passover are instrinsically linked. The Passover that took place in the land of Egypt also represented the deliverance of the Children of Israel from their old life to a new life that looked ahead to the Promised Land. They were to put behind them the way of bondage to embrace a new life. In the New Testament the Bible informs us that Jesus Christ is our Passover. In the context which this is spoken God exhorts us to put away the old leaven (the old life) and to embrace the new life – one of sincerity and truth (represented by the unleavened bread). None of the old ways should be allowed to contaminate the newness of life in Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ was a complete saviour and dealt completely with the issue of sin and sickness and in his redeeming work every believer has access to righteousness and total deliverance in every category of life.

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