Building on the blessings that have been brought to us by the work of Jesus Christ, this teaching starts a series of teachings on all that Jesus Christ is to the believer. The first, Jesus Christ – Our Righteousness, deals with the very critical and fundamental truth displayed clearly in the Book of Romans: the righteousness of God has been given to each born-again saint by the perfect walk of believing of the Lord Jesus Christ. On the grounds of God’s justice system and the truth that God is righteous, He has made a way by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to allow anyone who chooses to believe to receive the righteousness of God. This righteousness, made available to us when were sinners and enemies of God, has nothing to do with our obedience before or after we believe on Jesus Christ. It has everything to do with the walk of believing of the Lord Jesus Christ. Since we did not earn it or deserve it, we cannot lose it. The cohorts of evil may do their utmost to condemn and accuse the believer but they have no legal ground to do so because of the righteousness of God given to us by the walk of Jesus Christ and the judgement of God according to the truth. He indeed is Just and the Justifier of all those who believe on Jesus Christ.
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