This teaching considers the lessons on listening to God that we can learn from Adam. When God made Adam, He gave Adam some very simple but important information. The information from God was reliable, clear and critical. There is no doubt that Adam was able to receive the information that God had given him. Unfortunately, after some time, both Adam and Eve ended up ignoring what God had said: Eve was deceived but Adam knowingly disobeyed what God had told him. The results were cataclysmic for mankind as this disobedience led to the fall of man. As a result of Adam’s disobedience, man would suffer many hardships. We are also told in the Book of Romans that as a result of Adam’s fall, death reigned over all mankind, all were condemned, judgment passed upon all and all were made sinners. The lesson we can learn from this is that it is a very bad idea to ignore information from God. There are many promises in God’s Word, in other words, information that we have been given to bless us. As in the case of Adam, it would be a very bad idea for us to ignore this very simple, reliable and critical information. Here are some examples:
- We are to have no gods before the One True God (idolatry is evil)
- God forgives all our transgressions and heals all our diseases
- In order to be saved, we need to confess Jesus as lord and believe that God has raised him from the dead
- Speaking in tongues edifies us
- We will be rewarded for all the good works that we build on the foundation of Jesus Christ
If we ignore these promises, we will deprive ourselves of the blessings that God intended. The information from God is clear, reliable and critical for our lives.