People in all areas of life spend a great deal of time mastering their particular profession, trade or skill. This is true in the areas of athletics, the work place and pretty much all other areas of life. For those of us who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, perhaps we should be concerned at spending time becoming masters of God’s Word. Now this is a goal that will keep us employed for a lifetime as the Word of God has immeasurable depth. There are wonderful examples of believers who served God by knowing and teaching His Word – whether it was Ezra at the rebuilding of the walls and temple in Jerusalem, Jesus Christ on the Road to Emmaus, Philip in Samaria or Paul the Apostle during his entire life. These believers taught the Word of God and helped those listening to understand what was taught. They should be great examples to us who want to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and reach those who have a hunger to know the truth.
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