No Apologies

Bible pages
No Apologies

When it comes to God’s Word we make no apologies as to what it says. Our responsibility is to just faithfully speak it. When Moses gave the commandments to the Children of Israel, he told them the choice they were making was between death and life. He did not water down what God had told him – he just faithfully made it known. We are informed in the Scriptures that all the promises of God are yea and amen – they are absolutely guaranteed. We are not to be like peddlers who water down their wares to make them more palatable for human consumption, no, we are to speak the truth regardless of the reaction. Paul declared that he was not ashamed of the testimony of Jesus Christ – neither should we be. Even if what we say may lead to persecution, may make others feel uncomfortable, may make us stand out from the rest of society, our determination has to be to faithfully and fearlessly, and without apology, make known the truth.

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