No Longer of this World

Bible pages
No Longer of this World

Because of the complete work of Jesus Christ, we are no longer of this world. Jesus Christ was not of this world, and as such, has taken all those who look to him out of the world as well. Though we are physically still in the world, our standing in Christ is that we are seated at God’s right hand with Jesus Christ. We have been transferred into the kingdom of God and given a citizenship in heaven. So exactly what does that mean to us while we are still physically in the world? The exhortation of the Scriptures is for us be living sacrificies in serving the Lord Jesus Christ. This means that the passions, patterns and leadings of the world have no sway over us. We do not desire the world’s goals, acclaim or notoriety in any regard. We are to stay spiritually alert and not allow the present age to fashion the way that we think. Instead, we are to think and set our affection on things above.

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