Paul – Part 1 – The Early Years

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Paul - Part 1 - The Early Years

The start of a teaching series on the life of Paul the Apostle. This teaching takes a brief look at Paul’s upbringing and the nature of the main branches of Judaism. Paul was a Pharisee and had the best upbringing that was possible at the time. He was a staunch defender of the law and very zealous in his activities which he fully believed were the work of God. As a Pharisee he openly made havoc of the early Christian church. His work included seeking out Christians, entering their homes, sending both men and women to prison, compelling them to blaspheme and giving his vote against them to be killed. The Scriptures declare that he did this to “many”. Paul is held up in God’s Word as an example or pattern to all those that should believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. As such, it is quite a testament to the mercy and grace of God that a man like Paul, who declared that he was not worth to ever be called an apostle, was forgiven and called to be a minister of Jesus Christ.

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