Paul – Part 8 – Return to Jerusalem and Captivity at Caesarea

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Paul - Part 8 - Return to Jerusalem and Captivity at Caesarea

This teaching covers Paul’s time in Jerusalem when he arrives at the end of his third journey. He was warned by God along the way to not go to Jerusalem but Paul still chose to go. He is greeted by James and the elders with a very strange message about how zealous the converted Judeans were to towards the Law of Moses. This was the very topic which Paul and Barnabas addressed at the Council of Jerusalem years prior. It seems that the Jerusalem based church had not really accepted the Gentiles as full members. In fact it seems that they still wanted the converted Judeans to adhere to the Law of Moses whereas the Gentiles were told they did not have to. The agreement that had been reached at the Council of Jerusalem had not been kept. Paul is arrested, imprisoned in Jerusalem and eventually sent to Caesarea where he spends a condiserable amount of time under the governors Festus and Felix. He takes every opportunity to “witness to both small and great” and ends up appealing to be tried in Rome under the emperor.

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