Pleasing in His Sight

Bible pages
Pleasing in His Sight

God’s Word teaches us that Jesus Christ always did those things which pleased the Father, that is, he always did God’s will. He was concerned about pleasing his Father and not people. The things that Jesus Christ did may or may not have pleased people; they certainly pleased God. In imitating our Lord, we too should be concerned that what we do is pleasing in God’s sight. What we do may please people or it may end up offending them – just as in the case of Jesus Christ. Like him, we do not go about with the goal of offending people, in fact the Scriptures tell us that we do what we can to not offend people. However, if what we are doing is pleasing to God and ends up offending people, our priority should always be what God thinks. In the end we are also told that we will be rewarded for those things that are pleasing in His sight.


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