Rescued from this Present Evil Age – Part 2

Bible pages
Rescued from this Present Evil Age - Part 2

The Bible tells us that we continue to live in a present evil age. Many believe that the end of the world is near and yet the Scriptures declare that there are no signs for the end of world. In fact we are told it will come as a thief in the night. People will actually say there is peace and safety and the Day of the Lord and it’s wrath will be upon them. There is no fear or trepidation for the Christian for we will be already gone by that time. Paul’s warning to Timothy about the times being evil were about his age – regarding the departure from the truth of those around him and not about the world becoming worse and worse. Evil comes and goes as the normal ebb and flow of an evil age. We cannot let the world and its workings be the basis of our decision making – it has to be God and His Word. We cannot allow the wisdom of this evil age be our standard for the direction of our lives. A knowledge of the worlds evil will not prosper our walk with God. Our responsibility is to serve God and not be conformed to this age because we have been rescued from it. We are to redeem the time because the days are evil and focus instead on the will of the Lord. Prayer is Gods recommendation to deal with the age. Unbiblical responses to the world’s situations will not produce a godly result. We are to be strong in the Lord and the power of his might. Gods desire to have all men saved has not changed and is there that we should exert our efforts.

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