Serious Lessons Concerning Idolatry

Bible pages
Serious Lessons Concerning Idolatry

God dedicates a great deal of text to the topic of idolatry in the Bible. Sometimes people think that the issue of idolatry was only a problem for the older days – back in the times of Israel. However, we are told in the Scriptures that the events and occurrences of the Old Testament and the experiences of Israel are written for our admonition so that we do not end up making the same mistakes that they did. This teaching looks at the record in the Bible concerning Aaron and the Children of Israel making a golden calf to worship while Moses was on Mount Sinai communing with God. It also considers the idolatrous worship of the serpent that Moses had made in one instance to deal with a particular issue that Israel was having. It then looks at the mention of both of those records in I Corinthians 10 with respect to understanding just exactly what idolatry is. The Bible tells us that it is not so much the idol itself that is the issue – but more to the point, it is the turning away from God to anything else that is at issue. A change of allegiance, confidence, heart, etc. is what idolatry implies. Paul explains in Corinthians that when worship is made to idols, that worship is made to devils for that is what is at the base level behind idolatry. God called it a great sin multiple times in the Bible and so it still is today. Our allegiance ought to be to God and God alone. We ought not let our hearts stray in any regard away from the One True God.

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