All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach us how to believe and to help us get back to believing rightly when we miss the mark. God’s Word can have a guiding effect in all areas of life. The Word itself points out numerous areas where it can help direct our lives: it teaches how to live pure lives, to not sin against God, it gives us peace, comfort, hope, it gives us wisdom, direction, etc. to name just a few. If we did not have the Word of God, we would forfeit all of these blessings and would not know how to navigate this life. Jesus Christ is the living Word and as such has many characteristics that are parallel to those of the Scriptures. He is the way, the truth, and the life, he is the head of the Body and provides direction to the members, he is our hope, etc. He is the embodiment of the blessings of God’s Word. As Christians it is vital to understand all that God has made him to be for us.
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