Valuable Service

Bible pages
Valuable Service

Many times Christians will compare the value of the service that they perform with someone else who they consider to be doing something better than they are. This comparison many times is based on the actual act that is being done. God’s view of valuable service, on the other hand, is based on believing, love and reverence for Him. The act itself, it turns out, is not so significant. A person who washes the dishes is no less or more important than someone who might be teaching thousands of people – as long as the service is done with believing. In fact, in Corinthians it says that as long as the work (whatever it may be) is based on the foundation of Jesus Christ, it will be rewarded. God discusses the entire sphere of life in the latter part of the Book of Ephesians and one of the key underlying truths in this section is that whatever a person does (as a husband, wife, child, parent, worker, etc.) it is to be done as service to the Lord and not unto men. Whereas in the world, the higher position a person has, the less they are expected to do, the standard of the Word is that the greater the responsibility, the more one must serve. Faithfulness, humility, love and reverence for God are vital – and the act itself is not of primary importance.

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