We Serve a Living Saviour

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We Serve a Living Saviour

On the road to Emmaus, Jesus Christ spoke to two men who were speaking of the current events that had taken place. As they walked together on the day that Christ was raised from the dead, he taught them the truths in the Scriptures concerning himself.  He showed them from Moses, the prophets and the Psalms the prophecies about the coming Messiah. He also reproved them because they were having difficulty believing that he was now alive. We serve a living saviour – the Lord Jesus Christ. He is alive and has been given tremendous responsibilities by our Almighty God. He wasn’t just raised to sit on the right hand of God and to do nothing else – he is the mediator, the intercessor, the captain of salvation, the head of the body, the high priest, etc. God placed him above every name that is named – not only in this age but also in the ages to come. We can be thankful that our Lord is alive!

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