The natural realm is subservient to the supernatural realm. Most live their lives only understanding and making their decisions by the five senses. Erroneous actions in the spiritual realm have a physical impact. This teaching examines a few records where spiritual errors manifested themselves as physical impacts. The record of the golden calf and the record of Korah are examined to take note of this truth. This teaching takes a look at how there are two kingdoms that are behind the scenes of what is manifested in the natural realm. On one side, the devil who wants to be like the most High God has his own kingdom. On the other side, the Kingdom of God is in effect. Most do not understand the very fundamental truth that this battle between the two kingdoms is the most important conflict that impacts our world today. The teaching discusses how many today essentially base their thinking and actions on mainstream social media. They do not necessarily select the “book from the library” that they want to read but allow books to be streamed at them without applying the filter of the Word of God and the spirit of God. The solutions to this life are simple as God’s Word informs us: live by the commandments of God – either by the spirit of God or the Word of God. The world is rampant with solutions that are not based on either of these and the unwary believer can fall prey to the push and pull of trends propounded by those ruled by the kingdom of the adversary.
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